
The Health in Education Association (Hieda) champions excellence in health and wellbeing education in schools, colleges, universities and workplaces.

Our aim is to provide training and support to members on health and wellbeing. Our team has a wide range of individuals, agencies, organisations, and charities dedicated to the health promotion of all age groups. We work with and for our members to share knowledge and best practice whilst championing excellence in health and wellbeing provision in the workplace.

Clients can access the training, but if they decide to become a member, there will be other resources and support available to them.

Other services will include:

  • Guidance
  • Forums- school nurses, healthcare professionals, and one for non-medical personnel who have a responsibility for health and wellbeing
  • Many environments have an inspection element to their workplace e.g., schools and care homes, we support these environments with pre-inspection checks and advice
  • Development reviews and consultancies
  • News
  • Latest updates
  • Employment opportunities
  • Advice service
  • Policy and compliance support
  • Networking
  • Newsletters
  • Further education for CPD and development.

We support a wide range of sectors including health, education, charities, small and large organisations in the UK and internationally.