Supporting Medical Excellence Awards

Hieda are proud to announce the winners of our annual Supporting Medical Excellence Awards.

Hieda Supporting Medical Excellence Awards celebrates:

  • a culture for better working conditions and to support all people with their mental wellbeing
  • a workplace which has embedded initiatives that provide education, support, understanding and ongoing development for health promotion throughout each year group educated at the school
  • a workplace that demonstrates excellent health and wellbeing provision, addressing physical, mental and social health and wellbeing.

Please see below a full list of the winners from this year’s Hieda Supporting Medical Excellence Awards:

Creating a Mentally Healthier Workplace Award
WINNER: Earlscliffe School

Clinical Excellence: Practice Change Implementation Award
WINNER: Queen Anne’s School

Health and Wellbeing Champion for all-round Excellence Award
WINNER: Oundle School

Creating a mentally healthier workplace award

Creating a mentally healthier working environment is part of the HSE’s plan to promote a culture for better working conditions and to support all people with their mental wellbeing. There is a stigma that needs to be addressed when talking about or handling mental ill-health. This award aims to recognise a workplace which shows a proactive and open approach to mental health and demonstrates initiatives for continued support and development of mental health for all in that environment.

Clinical excellence: practice change implementation award

The award for clinical excellence celebrates a workplace that has identified an area of health-related support or care that could be improved. They will have demonstrated what good practice should look like in terms of law and guidance and have implemented changes within their workplace that have subsequently been shown to improve the standard of care or the health of others.

Health and wellbeing champion for all-round excellence award

The health and wellbeing champion for all-round excellence award honours a workplace that demonstrates excellent health and wellbeing provision, addressing physical, mental and social health and wellbeing. The winner will be able to demonstrate a genuine interest in the wellbeing of others, its ongoing efforts to achieve excellent standards of care, and continued development of further support in each of these areas for the benefit of all who use their services