Nursery Nurse x 3, full time fixed term
Ladywell Nursery / Inveralmond Early Years
Harrysmuir Learning Community consists of Harrysmuir Primary School, Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School. Harrysmuir Primary School is a non-denominational school with a roll of 400 primary school children serving the community of Ladywell. The school currently sits within decile 2 on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) and the Free Meal Entitlement (FME) is 29%.
The School currently has 15 classes. Targeted intervention plans and resources have allowed the school to employ a Family Support Worker, a Nurture Teacher and a number of additional Pupil Support Workers. Harrysmuir Primary School has a very successful Breakfast Club which is well attended. Harrysmuir is proud to be part of a learning community with Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School.
Inveralmond Early Years Centre and Ladywell Nursery School have a capacity of 60/60 and 60/60 respectively. The senior leadership team, which currently consists of the Head Teacher, 2 Depute Head Teachers and 2 Principal Teachers, have leadership and management responsibility for all 3 settings. Cluster Schools and Early Years establishments work in partnership with local community groups, including Ladywell Regeneration Group.
This position requires registration with the SSSC. The successful candidate will have six months from commencement in this post to register with the SSSC.
This post is considered Regulated Work with Vulnerable Children and/or Protected Adults, under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. Preferred candidates will be required to join the PVG Scheme or undergo a PVG Scheme update check prior to a formal offer of employment being made
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